Compass Natural Marketing Partners With USDA in Major Organic Farming Initiative

Leading natural and organic marketing communications agency selected to manage a series of key events to support farmers transitioning to organic

BOULDER, Colo. (Aug. 11, 2023) — Compass Natural, a Boulder, Colo.-based PR and communications agency with a deep commitment to organic and regenerative food, agriculture and the environment, has entered into a cooperative agreement to support the USDA’s Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). This $100 million, five-year program is a critical part of the USDA’s Organic Transition Initiative — the largest single investment in organic agriculture ever made by the USDA.

TOPP is designed to foster organic agriculture and make much-needed technical assistance available to transitioning and existing organic farmers. TOPP is building partnership networks in six regions across the U.S., working with trusted organizations like Compass Natural to create and administer farmer mentorship, education and community-building programs.

“We are thrilled to partner with Compass Natural on the Transition to Organic Partnership Program,” says Brandon Hill, OCIA International’s program director for the Plains Region TOPP. “As the agency has a deep connection to organic markets, it is a great fit to help make the connections producers will need to successfully transition to organic.”

Compass Natural is one of 16 select organizations partnering with OCIA International in TOPP’s Plains Region, encompassing Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma. Compass Natural will manage a series of key events for farmers throughout the Plains Region during the second half of 2023. Using a contact list of more than 25,000 industry leaders, decision-makers, producers and major media members involved in organic food and agriculture, Compass Natural will bring together key experts and farmers to support the mission of the TOPP program.

‘Focus on the Farmer’ Fall Series Kicks Off With Aug. 29 Webinar
Compass Natural will kick off a Fall “Focus on the Farmer” education program on Aug. 29, 2023, with the first of a series of monthly webinars. Registration is now open. Farmers can sign up here

August panelists will include:

·       Dr. Gene Kelly, professor of pedology, deputy director of the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station and the associate director for research in the School of Global Environmental Sustainability at Colorado State University (CSU).

·  Tina Owens, senior fellow of Regenerative Agriculture, leading the Nutrient Density Alliance, a program within the Soil & Climate Alliance at Green America. Tina has been working as a sustainability leader within the organic sector since 2008 for several of the largest organic brands in the world, including enabling on-farm transition to organic and regenerative practices.

·       Mark Retzloff, a pioneer in the organic and natural foods industry with a 47-year career including co-founder of Alfalfa’s Markets, co-founder of Aurora Organic Dairy, co-founder of Horizon Organic Dairy and former chairman of the Organic Food Alliance.

Live Symposium Planned for November 2023
The Fall Series will conclude with a live, one-day networking and education event in November. It will bring together world-class experts and farmers to discuss subjects related to transitioning to organic. Topics will include key organic resources, the regeneration of soil and carbon sequestration, best practices in pest control, organic farming and ranching production, and handling, financing alternatives, value-added product development and more. 

Upcoming events will also highlight community-building initiatives like TOPP for Indigenous Producers; Linking Organic Consumer Packaged Goods Brands With Organic Producers in Transition; and Financing, Grant and Funding Options for Organic Producers. Technical assistance and training initiatives include TOPP for Hemp/Grain Farmers in the Plains Region, TOPP for Specialty and Produce Growers, and TOPP for Western Slope Fruit and Specialty Crop Producers. 

“Compass Natural is honored, grateful and excited to be partnering with TOPP on such an important program focusing on supporting farmers as they transition to organic,” says Steven Hoffman, founder of Compass Natural. A former agricultural extension agent and graduate of Penn State University, a land grant college, Hoffman adds, “We look forward to educating farmers about the true value of organic in building resiliency in their farm operations.”

About Compass Natural
Based in Boulder, Colo., the “Epicenter of the Natural Products Industry,” Compass Natural is a boutique communications agency serving the rapidly growing market for natural, organic, socially responsible, eco-friendly and other healthy lifestyles products. Founded in 2001 and driven by a commitment to create a better world through business, Compass Natural is a leader in the Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) market.

About TOPP
Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) is a program of the USDA Organic Transition Initiative and is administered by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP).

Media Contact
Steven Hoffman, Compass Natural,, tel 303.807.1042


Exclusive Invitation: 'Focus on the Farmer' Webinar Offers Tools for Transitioning to Organic


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